Monday, February 22, 2010

365/54 ~ Safety ~

I don't know the names of more than a handful of birds, so I'm not sure who this adorable little gray gal is, but she was singing  nicely and tucked safely away inside the brambles of my Bouganvilla Tree.

~ Safety ~

I took this one from the ground using a 300 zoom.

I took this one from the platform of my son's old tree house (300 zoom)...
I felt so "National Geographic"...LOL



  1. Great shots! She is well hidden in that tree.

  2. Lovely plummage and thank you for the NG giggle too :)

  3. LOL! Look at you climbing trees to get the shot!

  4. That's hilarious, the whole national geographic comment you made : )

  5. Wow, had to look hard. She definitely doesn't want to be seen.

  6. great shots! Are there two of them in the first shot?

  7. Wish I could help you with the bird type, but I can't. I love to hear the birds singing in the mornings.

  8. LoL NG that's funny I never thought of that!
    You are doing great job handling that camera and the most important thing is that you are having a blast!!!


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